четверг, 24 июня 2010 г.

Gold Soars to All-Time High Today. . . Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, and Jim Rogers Predicted This Would Happen Earlier Today . . .

Dear Concerned Citizen,

I just finished taking part in the Economic Crisis Summit with Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, and Jim Rogers.

Our special program aired today at 1 p.m. with an incredible response. But I have good news: it will air again shortly.

You should see this because nearly 100,000 of your fellow Americans decided to join this powerful Internet broadcast.

You see, as I write this letter to you, gold has hit an all-time high of $1,278.70 an ounce.

I believe this to be a direct result of the current economic catastrophe our nation is suffering through. A $13 trillion-and-growing deficit will only bring about inflation and I believe this inevitably will shoot up the price of not just gold but also every commodity.

The future of gold was just one of the many topics Bill O’Reilly, Jim Rogers, Dick Morris, and I addressed just moments ago.

But even before this peak price announcement today, my colleagues all accurately predicted it on the Economic Crisis Summit.

You have an opportunity tonight at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) to view a re-airing of this important discussion. I strongly urge you to RSVP here . . . its 100% Free!

The doors are still open. You can still join us, but you must act now.

All you need is a computer and an Internet connection to attend.

In fact, if you can’t make it — still sign up, as I’ll alert you to further airings we may have — plus you’ll have exclusive access to the VIP attendee website I’ve created for it.

We just finished discussing the real story about our startling deficit and how many tens of trillions of dollars are “off the books” and not being counted.

We discussed how bad taxes are going to get for American citizens in the future and when serious inflation will rear its head.

But, most importantly, we discussed actionable solutions you can take right now, to protect your wealth while uncovering new paths to prosperity.

Gold is just the tip of the iceberg . . . we touched on so many more options for Americans.

And that’s why I suggest you make it a point to attend the 7 p.m. (Eastern time) rebroadcast tonight. RSVP here for free!

Join this powerful movement. Knowledge is truly power and by arming yourself with the information we discussed on the Economic Crisis Summit, you can help be prepared for the national consequences of our $13 trillion deficit. Go here now!

To Your Success,

Christopher Ruddy
CEO and Editor In Chief
Newsmax and Moneynews

A Private Airing of the Economic Crisis Summit With Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, and Jim Rogers Awaits You . . .

Dear Concerned Citizen,

As you may know, on Thursday we aired the original broadcast of the Economic Crisis Summit. Nearly 100,000 like-minded Americans participated in this crucial online event.

We will reveal how you can make significant profits even under Obamanomics.

It seems the timing of the Economic Crisis Summit couldn’t have been better.

In the last few days we’ve seen gold hit a new high — TWICE.

Oil prices are beginning to surge, and Treasuries are experiencing serious setbacks.

These are serious warning signs that inflation is about to strike and our economy is becoming more unstable.

Americans need to prepare by taking action now.

On the Economic Crisis Summit we predicted the immediate resurgence in gold. But it was only one of the important topics we addressed.

Bill O’Reilly discussed the dangers Americans face if we are forced to bailout bankrupt states. Plus, we explain why former President Bush had to incur debt to save America, but President Obama is using it as an excuse to cripple us.

Jim Rogers revealed the startling truth about why Ben Bernanke feared a true audit of the Federal Reserve. He also discussed why all commodities (not just gold) are set to soar for an unprecedented bull run.

Dick Morris pondered whether the United States of America is becoming the next Venezuela — a country that has takeovers of private sectors and is currently experiencing 30% inflation.

And we also introduced viewers to the newest member of Newsmax’s Financial Brain Trust — Dennis May.

Dennis discussed how average Americans can defend their wealth from inflation and economic volatility using a secret he developed that helped him to go from Chicago poverty, to an $11 million fortune, in less than five years.

His amazing story is the American Dream realized.

The Economic Crisis Summit will give you the real story behind the biggest threats to your financial well-being, and it will provide you with actionable solutions to take right now to safeguard yourself while discovering new paths to prosperity.

To Your Success,

Christopher Ruddy
CEO and Editor in Chief
Newsmax and Moneynews

P.S. — I believe that a fantastic financial opportunity exists if inflation rears its ugly head. If you agree with me and experts like Warren Buffett, . . .

101,488 visitors per month on autopilot

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суббота, 12 июня 2010 г.

Learn How I Instantly Pulled 95,237 Visitors A Day to Pocket $184,195 WITHOUT Google (mark as spam)

95,237 visitors in ONE day. Here's how...

Let me ask you something...

What if I told you to STOP working day and night writingarticles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching highand low for joint venture partners, creating videos ... and allthe other back breaking and boring stuff?

Would you think I'm crazy? I mean, how else is anyone going to find your website online? How else are you going to get traffic?
Well not so long ago, a close friend of mine, Mo Latif did just that. He walked away and dropped everything.

He stopped article marketing, blogging, SEO, link building, press releases, social bookmarking ... all the old 'traditional'marketing techniques everyone is talking about to this day.

He stepped away from these tired and 'old' traffic generation methods, as he was sick of spending all his time at the keyboard. I'm sure you would rather, relax and enjoy your life ...wouldn't you?

So why did he suddenly drop the ball? Why didn't he carry ondoing what everybody else was doing?

He found the truth, it’s mind-blowing to be honest ...

Let me explain...
In the past he was generating around 250 visitors on a bad day. The problem was, no matter how hard he tried, the traffic was LIMTED!

He wanted more, a lot more...

The traffic levels would never go beyond a certain point. He used every trick in the book over the years, and even had staff working for him. But still, the traffic always hit a peak and just stayed there.

It got worse too... Google would change their search engine algorithms *once again* and did you know they even started banning Adwords accounts for no apparent reason and without notice?

This left him no choice but to start all over again ... however this time, it would be much harder, thanks to all the *NEW*hoops Google is going to make us jump through.

But did you know Google only accounts for 20% of the online traffic? What happened to the other 80%?

For years, he spent all his time serving Google. Playing by their rules, not to forget Yahoo and Bing. A complete search engine puppet ... moulding his lame income around their greedy requirements.

Hiring SEO experts, writers, paying for backlinks, social bookmarking, the works, just to keep up with their ever demanding and changing requirements …

... in all this time, life passed him by, locked away in his home office, busting his back trying to get (and keep) traffic dribbling to websites.

But NOT anymore as those days are over.

He walked away being a traffic slave and developed a 3 step system which taps into that remaining 80% of online traffic that no one knows about. A traffic goldmine you absolutely must see for yourself if you want to survive online...

(And no, it's not Facebook, Twitter or Myspace ... it's NOT about wasting your time trying to make friends with people so youcan sell to them one day)

And get this...
He checked his traffic stats the other day and to my amazement this *NEW* unknown traffic source had generated 95,237 visitors in a single day ... and it didn't involve ANY of those tired old traffic methods you've been drowning in for so long.

He did encounter a problem though ... he was sending TOO MUCH traffic to websites using nothing but an affiliate link! That's right ... NO website and guess what else ... ?

The fulfillment people called him up and said stop whatever hewas doing because they couldn't process the orders fast enough! Weirdos?!

Read more about this in an exclusive report which shows you how he did it ...

But that's not all...
Some people might say ANYONE can get a lot of traffic, but targeted traffic is what pays the bills...right? Well, let me reassure you ... this secret traffic source helped generate$184,195 in ONE MONTH, just as an affiliate.
Is that targeted enough for you? :)

Listen ... forget hiring SEO experts, paying for overpriced Adword ads and giving huge chunks of each sale away to affiliates and JV partners...
... this system makes money so easily, it uses nothing but 3 steps in any niche or market.

Other people might say you need to be an expert, or have great connections. Honestly, they couldn’t be further from the truth....
You see, this was done without any partner traffic, without affiliates, without using existing traffic sources, without calling in any favours and without buying a website which alreadyhad traffic.

And for the record, these 95,237 visitors didn't come from some SEO fluke, some expensive media buys, ad swaps or link building. It was like flipping on a switch, and almost as easy.

Plus it's NOT complicated, NOT blackhat, NOT hard work and certainly NOT *ILLEGAL*.

Anyway the traffic from Dec 16th 2009 to Jan 15th 2010 was as low as, a pathetic 251 visits a day...

... and after pushing the button on the new traffic source, from Jan 16th to Feb 15th 2010 the visitors skyrocketed up to 95,237 in a DAY! Make no mistake… that is a DAY. The proof is on thepage.

No Google. No Yahoo. No Bing. No slaps, no red tape, no SEO, no article writing ... none of the usual crap you've been fed in the past.
So if you want the *underground* shortcut to getting TRUE servercrushing traffic, then I strongly suggest you learn it from this f.ree report before he takes it down:

And here's something else you should know...
A guy doing 'adhoc jobs' on a FARM used the 3 step system andguess what ... ?

He went on to generate $1.2 million AND create a list of over 66,000 subscribers.
Crazy? Yes. Impossible? Heck no...

Consider this ... if a total newbie, a farm boy with no experience or skill sets can make that kind of money and successwith this, then so can you. In fact, I'm already guessing you're more experienced and smarter than he is.

There's a reason why the 'usual' traffic methods don't work anymore ... because every man and his dog is hammering it all day long. Everyone is undercutting the competition, working longer hours, hiring more staff ... it's hard out there.

So my advice is simple...
Walk away from it all, before you get sucked dry to the bone and go mentally insane. Don't get caught up in their vicious circle and waste the next 5 years hoping things will get better ...because the truth is, it's only going to get tougher and tougherif you stand still and follow the sheep.
Download this f.ree report, click the link below and get ready for a *new* future ... a future with no rules, hardly *any* competition and without spending years stuck in front of the screen trying to figure it out ...

Zac Zens