четверг, 24 июня 2010 г.

Gold Soars to All-Time High Today. . . Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, and Jim Rogers Predicted This Would Happen Earlier Today . . .

Dear Concerned Citizen,

I just finished taking part in the Economic Crisis Summit with Bill O’Reilly, Dick Morris, and Jim Rogers.

Our special program aired today at 1 p.m. with an incredible response. But I have good news: it will air again shortly.

You should see this because nearly 100,000 of your fellow Americans decided to join this powerful Internet broadcast.

You see, as I write this letter to you, gold has hit an all-time high of $1,278.70 an ounce.

I believe this to be a direct result of the current economic catastrophe our nation is suffering through. A $13 trillion-and-growing deficit will only bring about inflation and I believe this inevitably will shoot up the price of not just gold but also every commodity.

The future of gold was just one of the many topics Bill O’Reilly, Jim Rogers, Dick Morris, and I addressed just moments ago.

But even before this peak price announcement today, my colleagues all accurately predicted it on the Economic Crisis Summit.

You have an opportunity tonight at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) to view a re-airing of this important discussion. I strongly urge you to RSVP here . . . its 100% Free!

The doors are still open. You can still join us, but you must act now.

All you need is a computer and an Internet connection to attend.

In fact, if you can’t make it — still sign up, as I’ll alert you to further airings we may have — plus you’ll have exclusive access to the VIP attendee website I’ve created for it.

We just finished discussing the real story about our startling deficit and how many tens of trillions of dollars are “off the books” and not being counted.

We discussed how bad taxes are going to get for American citizens in the future and when serious inflation will rear its head.

But, most importantly, we discussed actionable solutions you can take right now, to protect your wealth while uncovering new paths to prosperity.

Gold is just the tip of the iceberg . . . we touched on so many more options for Americans.

And that’s why I suggest you make it a point to attend the 7 p.m. (Eastern time) rebroadcast tonight. RSVP here for free!

Join this powerful movement. Knowledge is truly power and by arming yourself with the information we discussed on the Economic Crisis Summit, you can help be prepared for the national consequences of our $13 trillion deficit. Go here now!

To Your Success,

Christopher Ruddy
CEO and Editor In Chief
Newsmax and Moneynews

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